SALVAGEABLE - traducción al árabe
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SALVAGEABLE - traducción al árabe



إِسْعاف ; إِغَاثَة ; إِنْقاذ ; اِسْتِغَاثَة ; تَنْجِيَة ; نَجْدَة


أَسْعَفَ ; أَنْجَدَ ; أَنْقَذَ ; اِسْتَنْقَذَ ; ساَعَفَ ; ناجَدَ ; نَجَدَ

Ejemplos de pronunciación para SALVAGEABLE
1. salvageable at the other newspapers,
Reclaiming The Black Narrative _ Angela Ford _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de SALVAGEABLE
1. They said their homes were mostly intact and salvageable.
2. "They are looking for what‘s salvageable," said Robert F.
3. The preservationists believe 71 are structurally sound and another 2' may be salvageable.
4. One of the brothers‘ boats, the Chef, is damaged but salvageable.
5. He took a break from searching the rubble of his village for salvageable items.